How to identify if honey is pure?

identify pure bee honey

Verifying that the honey you consume is 100% pure is useful, because you would be making the most of all the nutrients and benefits of this food prepared by bees. In addition, honey that is adulterated is usually mixed with large amounts of sugar and other sweeteners that may be harmful for some people to consume. This is one of the frequently asked questions from our customers and for this reason we leave you some recommendations to recognize pure honey.

First, it is important to keep in mind that color is not an indicator of purity, since it depends on the flowers from which the bees extract pollen.

Check the label

Read the label, the ingredients should only say 100% pure honey or apis melifera and if it contains sucrose, table sugar or fructose syrup, it is adulterated.

It crystallizes with the cold

Although it does not need refrigeration, pure honey crystallizes when cold; if you find honey if you keep it in the refrigerator and it does not crystallize, it probably contains other ingredients and preservatives.

Pure honey does not expire

Perfectly preserved honey pots have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs. This is because honey has very little water content and its PH is acidic, which does not allow bacteria to develop. Meanwhile, adulterated honeys have mixtures of water and sweeteners. If you notice that the honey you consume changes color, flavor, and smell, it is most likely not 100% pure.

Usually contains pieces of honeycomb and wax

It is likely that when buying 100% pure honey you will find pieces of honeycomb or beeswax.

pure bee honey

We hope that this guide is very useful when choosing which honey to buy and consume.

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